Monday, March 19, 2012

Peanut Butter and Strawberry Confections

Strawberries with Reg's PB and Confectioners Sugar
I just have to share with you one of my favorite new snacks.  I thought of it yesterday and wondered why on earth I hadn't done it before.  I love peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches.   And, when I was a child one of my favorite food memories was at bible camp at Culpeper United Methodist Church.  Blanche Malenowski, spelled phonetically of course, was our camp volunteer and she had thought up the most fantastic treat for our vacation bible school. She broadened our minds with a weeks worth of playing pretend at traveling abroad.

We took our Polaroid pictures and made a passport in class.  Then each day at camp, we went up to Blanche, she rubber stamped them, and we pretended to board a plane but really we just went inside our classroom and sat around in plastic orange and red chairs lined with an aisle down the center while watching a documentary on France. Afterwards, for our snack we gathered around our tables to eat strawberries dipped in confectioners sugar, naan or some other delight.

That week we visited the Pyramids, she had slides from her and Mal's trip to Egypt, the Eiffel Tower and all sorts of other exotic places.  I wish I still had my little, play passport.  What a clever way to introduce a bunch of Culpeper kids to something that was beyond our borders.  Thank you Blanche.  You really made an impression on this kid.

So, I love strawberries dipped in confectioners sugar since my visit to the Eiffel Tower during vacation bible school, and I love peanut butter.  Why not combine all three of my favorites into a tasty treat?  Well, alright then!!!

And, BTW, this is my new go to snack.  Perfect for after school or pre-workout, I think.

All you need are these:

A pint or so of strawberries, washed
Reginald's Original Peanut Butter, Virginia's Finest of course
Confectioners sugar, or powdered sugar

Dip strawberries into PB or use a spoon or knife and spread it on.  Then dip the tip into confectioners sugar.  And as the French say, Bon Appetit!

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